Book your Free Taster Session, Limited Spaces Available.

If you're ready to...
Fully commit to a scientifically backed training program
Track daily lifestyle metrics; nutrition, movement & sleep
Build a foundation of health, movement and nutrition knowledge on which to build your future
Take responsibility for your own health, physique and lifestyle NOW
Then apply for your FREE Taster Now!

Remove the confusion and frustration.
Not only will you have 1-2-1 evidence based private workouts specifically tailored to your goals, we'll also work on the 'lifestyle stuff''; nutrition, movement and sleep. I'll hold you accountable to real action steps for real results.
If you've failed before, it's not your fault. There's A LOT of BS out there in the health and fitness industry; FADs, 'belly-fat miracles' and 'unknown six-pack supplements'.
With 8 years in the industry I've heard most of them! (Although some do surprise me to this day)
We'll work on real actions steps for real results.
Sessions are based in Meopham, Kent, in my private gym...

More than just 1 hour of PT. Full lifestyle transformation...
Personal Training
Weekly 1 hour session including HIT strength & conditioning workout + lifestyle coaching
Cloud based lifestyle tracking; Nutrition, Movement, Workouts, & Sleep
Additional workouts programmed when required
Weekly action steps to pull you closer to your goals
Full nutritional guidance
Sleep & stress management techniques
In-app direct message support to boost your lifestyle transformation
Driveway parking
Ad Hoc Session - £45
1 session p/week - £40 p/session
2 sessions p/week - £35 p/session


Value. Efficiency. Health. Strength. Weight-loss. Longevity. Sustainability.
We are all born with a recipe of genetic make-up for a fit, lean, strong healthy happy human being. Our genes just need the right inputs!
Limited Spaces Available. Don't Miss Out.